Serves 2 (or 1 if it’s been quite a day)
200 g dried fettuccini pasta
70 g unsalted butter
70 g parmigiano, plus a little more to serve
Salt and freshly cracked black pepper

1. Bring a medium saucepan of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta until al dente. Drain the past but reserve about 50 ml
2. Meanwhile, place the butter into a medium size fry pan (it will need to hold the pasta too) over a medium heat. You want the butter to start to really soften but you don’t want it to completely melt.
3. Throw the pasta into the fry pan along with the parmigiano and most of the reserved cooking water.
4. Using tongs mix everything together for a couple of minutes until the pasta is coated in the sauce that has been created from the butter, cheese and cooking water. Add more cooking water if needed.
5. Sprinkle in some salt and a really good helping of pepper. Pile into bowls and sprinkle with a little extra parmigiano.

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